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Since many years, an enthusiastic group of watchmakers has focused on marine conservation and ocean protection. Blancpain is a supporter of the Pristine Oceans Expeditions, and the World Oceans Summit. Doxa and Project AWARE have been partners for more than a decade. Project AWARE works with scuba diving communities around the world to help clean the oceans during every dive.

IWC worked with the Charles Darwin Foundation in the past to protect the Galapagos Islands.Panerai Luminor Replica Watches Today, they are partners with the Cousteau Society. Breitling has partnered with Kelly Slater’s EcoNYL to offer recycled plastic packaging, and watch straps. Panerai Luminor Replica Watches has been supporting the Australia Marine Conservation Society andReef Reconstruction Foundation, a group that works to restore healthy coral reefs on the Great Barrier Reef.

Panerai Luminor Replica Watches Aquis Great Barrier Reef III Limited Edition supports the Reef Restoration Foundation. Sidney Teo shot the image for Revolution.

Panerai Luminor Replica Watches' third limited edition of the Great Barrier Reef was released this year. It is the result from discussions between Michael Meier and Peter Borghouts. The third edition is part of Panerai Luminor Replica Watches' Oceans Project 2019.

Rolf Studer is a strong supporter of the big pilot replica He told Revolution how important ocean conservation was on a corporate and personal level. "My grandfather worked as a shipbuilder at Lake Lucerne, and I spent my summers in his shipyard during my childhood. Since then, I've been fascinated by the undersea ecosystems. Since I was a young child, I've been sailing in that lake and the Mediterranean. "I love water," he said.